Music Theory
Lesson 16 - Introduction to the Circle of Fifths |
I. Index1. Introduction II. Content1. IntroductionIn this lesson, you will get familiar with the Circle of Fifths (Circle of 5ths), also known as the Circle of Keys. What is this Circle of Fifths? The Circle of Fifths is a circle that has all 12 keys of the piano written on it. The Circle of Fifths is useful for many things in music such as improvisation and writing music.2. The Circle of FifthsLet's take a look at the Circle of Fifths. Each of the 12 keys is represented in this circle.3. Properties of the Circle of FifthsThere are many interesting properties for the Circle of Fifths. Let's take a look at some of them.The Circle of Fifths helps identify the three primary chords in any key. In the lesson "Three Primary Chords" in the chords section of beginner, you learned about a set of three primary chords that could be used to play 1000's of songs. You also learned that there is a set of three primary chords in each of the 12 keys. You learned that in the Key of C, the three primary chords were C, F, and G. Well look at the Circle of Fifths. If you look at C, it is surrounded by F and G! So to find the three primary chords in any key, just look at any key in the Circle of Fifths, and the two letters surrounding that key will complete the three primary chords in that key. For example, in the key of A, the three primary chords are A, D, and E. In the key of Bb, the three primary chords are Bb, Eb, and F. The keys of the Circle of Fifths moves up by a perfect 5th in the clock wise direction. The keys of the Circle of Fifths move up by a perfect 5th in the clockwise direction. Take a look at C. If you move clockwise, the next key is G. G is a perfect 5th above C. Every single move clockwise on the circle of Fifths moves the key up by a perfect 5th. 4. ConclusionYou should now be familiar with the Circle of Fifths. One interesting property of the Circle of Fifths is that the primary chords appear next to each other on the Circle of Fifths. You will learn more about the Circle of Fifths in lessons to come.Custom Search
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Music Theory for Beginners
Lesson 12 |
Lesson 13 |
Lesson 14 |
Lesson 14 - Intervals
A music interval is the distance between the two notes in music. The smallest interval in Western music is a Half Step, or Half-tone (Semi-tone)
Lesson 15 Chords of Major Scale |
Lesson 16 Circle of Fifths |
How To Read Music |
Lesson 12 - 12 Keys In Music
Learn Piano Keys Layout | | | Piano Key Names |
Lesson 13 Major Scale
Learn how Major Scale is built, and learn how to play Major Scale in the key of C in the video below:
Formula of Major Scale is: |
R, W, W, H, W, W, W, H |
(R = Root Note, W = Whole Step, H = Half Step) |
Notes in the Key of C are: |
C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C |
Click below to watch how to play major scale in different keys
Watch Lesson 15 - Chords of the Major Scale with Flash demos in the video below: |
Lesson 15 -
Chords of the Major Scale
Here you will learn about Chords that are built on any Major Scale
Lesson 16 -
Circle of Fifths
The circle of fifths diagram is very useful for music improvisation and it also helps to identify the three primary chords in a song
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